Industrial Alliance

Industrial Alliance Permanent Insurance Canada

Industrial Alliance, now known as iA Financial Group, is a prominent player in the Canadian insurance market, offering a range of financial products including permanent life insurance. This article explores what Industrial Alliance Permanent Insurance Canada entails and its significance in the insurance landscape.

Overview of Industrial Alliance

Founded in 1892, Industrial Alliance has evolved into one of Canada’s leading insurance and wealth management companies. It rebranded as iA Financial Group in 2015, reflecting its broader financial services beyond insurance. The company is headquartered in Quebec City and operates nationally, serving over 4 million clients across Canada.

Products and Services

Industrial Alliance offers a diverse portfolio of insurance solutions, including permanent life insurance. Permanent life insurance provides lifelong coverage with a savings component, allowing policyholders to accumulate cash value over time. This cash value can be accessed through policy loans or withdrawals, providing financial flexibility during the insured’s lifetime.

Benefits of Permanent Insurance

One of the key advantages of permanent life insurance, such as that offered by Industrial Alliance, is its stability and long-term financial planning benefits. Policyholders can enjoy:

  • Lifetime Coverage: Unlike term life insurance, which covers a specific period, permanent insurance remains in effect for the insured’s entire life, as long as premiums are paid.
  • Cash Value Growth: Over time, a portion of the premiums paid accumulate as cash value, which grows tax-deferred within the policy. This cash value can be borrowed against or withdrawn for various financial needs, such as funding a child’s education or supplementing retirement income.
  • Tax Advantages: The cash value growth within a permanent life insurance policy is tax-deferred, meaning it grows without being subject to annual income taxes. In addition, death benefits are generally received tax-free by beneficiaries, providing financial security to loved ones.

Super Visa Insurance Monthly

In addition to its permanent life insurance offerings, Industrial Alliance also provides products like Super Visa Insurance Monthly. This insurance is specifically tailored for visitors to Canada under the Super Visa program, which allows parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to visit their families for extended periods.

Super Visa Insurance Monthly offers comprehensive coverage for medical emergencies, ensuring visitors are financially protected against unexpected healthcare expenses while in Canada. This product underscores Industrial Alliance’s commitment to providing tailored insurance solutions that meet diverse customer needs.


Industrial Alliance Permanent Insurance Canada, now iA Financial Group, stands out in the insurance industry for its comprehensive range of products, including permanent life insurance and specialized offerings like Super Visa Insurance Monthly. With a strong legacy of financial stability and customer-centric service, Industrial Alliance continues to be a trusted partner for Canadians seeking reliable insurance and financial solutions.

For more information on Industrial Alliance’s products and services, including Permanent Insurance and Super Visa Insurance Monthly, visit their official website or consult with a licensed insurance advisor.